
Where can I get a Wigi Ouigi Board?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna get one. Can I get one at a mall or something? like what kinds or names of stores sell them? And please don't say its a sin to use them. thanks




  1. Toys R Us sells them, and you can certainly find one on ebay.  If you don't want to spend the money just do a search for "how to make a ouija board" and you can make your own.

  2. At any toy store, where board games are.

    By the way, it's Ouija...pronounced "wee-ja". If you're going to use one, that's how you say it.


  3. buy it from ebay or craigs list or just google it

  4. I bought one at Spencer's novelties and I bought a glow-in-the-dark one at Kmart. Parker Brothers makes them. If you are having a hard time finding one, go to EBay, I just checked there and I simply typed Ouija board and 4 pages came up... They are a lot of fun too...

  5. You can probably go to some psychic's the way I want one too.

  6. A wiggi board???

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