I recently bought my Huawei E160G 3G USB modem on the Three network and the signal hasn't been too good, only a maximum of 3 bars out of a maximum of about 8 signal bars. As a result pages take ages to load and send.
However I have noticed on the side of the modem there is a connector under a plastic flap (next to the Micro-SD card slot) for an external aerial/antenna. The manual doesn't say anything about this and I have emailed both Three & Huawei about this connector, but had no response yet. I have also looked on Ebay, but since I don't know what sort of connector it has, I can't buy an aerial yet.
I only really want to use this at home, even though its portable (as I don't currently have a land line in my flat) and its connected to my desktop PC. I don't have a laptop.
Does anyone know where I can get a compatible aerial for this modem, so that I can boost my signal further? Has anyone figured out what connector this modem has or found the right aerial?