
Where can I get a kennel license for unlimited breeding?

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I want to breed a healthy show dog. Shih Tzus. I understand that i would be putting more money in this than I would be getting out of.




  1. Normally kennel licenses are issued by the county you live in.

    If you only have a couple dogs I would not worry about it as most county`s want you to get a license when you have 5 or more dogs.

    God luck and God Bless

  2. I don't appreciate uninformed unlimited backyard breeding.

    To Adrienne that said "if it's purebred and valuable it's not going to end up as a stray"--think again.  

    This asker has asked at least 5-6 questions on how to set up to do "unlimited breeding" as a career.    Purebreds make up at least 25 % of shelter populations.  Someone paid some amount of money to buy those dogs in the first place, they had papers and were of some value.  

    Many are puppy-mill and BYB turn-ins--the lucky ones anyway.   When they're done breeding, they dump them off at the pound.    There was a puppymill not too long ago that was inspected, the animals had fleas and disease.  Since they couldn't afford to get vet care for all the dogs, the puppymiller shot them all.   This is what happens with "unlimited breeding".

  3. Anyone who wants to breed "unlimited" numbers of any dogs are not doing it to improve the breed. They are doing it to make money period. They are greeders not breeders

    If you are serious about breeding the right way get just one show quality pup to start with. Put it through it's conformation. When it's 2 get all the heath/genetic testing done. If the dog shapes up well seek one of the fellow Shih Tzu breeders you encountered during your show time with your dog to be your mentor. This person should have been breeding your breed for several years and have a large knowledge of the breed and breeding.They will help you with things such as licencing etc.

    Good breeders start slowly. Not with the intention of producing unlimited puppies. You either want to be a good breeder or a greeder. You need to decide before you start. If it's the former then follow what I said and you can't go wrong. If it's the later then don't even do it. There are enough poorly bred Shih Tzu's in shelters produced by greeders who wanted to breed "unlimited" pups.

    Edit: A good breeder never breeds his dogs over and over. Most never breed them more than 3 times. 4 At the very most and even then only if they are truly exceptional.

  4. Try

    A GOOD breeder MIGHT have ONE litter every year or two.  IF they have an outstanding champion dog that they choose to breed.  Nobody "makes a career" out of breeding and does a good job at it- it's a contradiction in terms.

    Why don't you go look on a website that's NOT full of responsible pet owners for this kind of information?  

  5. You have to go to your >>town hall<< for that. I believe some towns/cities/states don't require them but it depends on how many dogs you are going to have. Some people need a kenneling license even if they have 2-3 dogs. I know this from a kennel hygiene course I took last year.

  6. Unlimited breeding is called being a puppy mill.

    Being a puppy mill is illegal.

    There is no certification for being a cruel, evil human being.

    Breeding should only be done by those whom spend years researching and learning about the breed. NOT JUST ON THE INTERNET. Hands on learning, mentor assistance, etc.

    Other than that, spay your dogs.

  7. there's no such thing as a kennel licence for breeding.  Check with your local dog warden.. you may need a kennel licence in your area if you plan on having more than an X amount of dogs (in many areas its more than 5, but some have limits of 3 or less dogs!)

  8. I don't know of any show breeders (I refer to them as exhibitors) needing to have a kennel license for "unlimited breeding".  Then again, I have never heard of an exhibitor even using this term -unlimited breeding.  To most of us that phrase comes across screaming puppy mill.

    A reputable breeder/exhibitor breeds when they want another pup to show.

    Unlimited breeding makes me think you're going to need some extra hands to help you show because there can't be that many classes for Shih Tzu.  6-9, 9-12, 12-18, BBE, Am Bred and Open x 2 (dog and *****) means 6 puppy dogs, 6 puppy b*****s, 6 adult dogs and 6 adult b*****s.  Throw in two more if you have a champion of each s*x.

    Well anyway, a kennel license is issued through the state where you and the dogs live.  Be prepared for a home inspection as well as an inspection of your records.

  9. Wow, you people are extremely rude.  Last time I checked it was a free country, and if the pet is registered and valuable it's OBVIOUSLY not going to end up as a stray, especially if it's being sold. D<

    Otherwise....I didn't even know you had to have a liscense to breed.  My grandparents used to breed pure bred registered labs a lot...they didn't have a liscense.  

  10. wow, you are so sick. are you aware of the dangers of unlimited breeding? WTH is wrong with you? dont you know about all the stray animals in the world? and you are just going to make more? you are a r****d. get a life.

  11. Not anti breeder and ask this as often as you like I still say we have enough puppy mills in the USA as it is.

    ETA: Adrienne F there are a lot of valuable pure breeds in shelters now just go take a look.

    ETA2: hay guys look at her Q&A she is flooding YA with the same question, not a puppy miller yah right.

  12. "UNLIMITED"!!!  I told you

    I'm not anti breeder.  At least not the good one.  Just don't like puppy millers, or BYB.  

  13. Those of us who answered you before are NOT ANTI-BREEDER...We are ANTI-PUPPYMILL.

    Now that you have phrased your question differently, you will probably get different responses...

    Start with you local humane society, shelter or breed club. THey can refer you to the governing authorities in your state.

    Good luck...

    Thanks for clarifying the previous question

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