
Where can I get a link to a n**i "Support our Troops" banner in german?

by  |  earlier

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YOu know the kind, I am sure they had in their country to encourage the german people to support the german soldiers as they invaded countries throughout europe and occupied them?

Also, anyone know why some german soldiers on battle field w***e what looked like a huge metal tag hanging from a chain in front of their uniforms while others did not?




  1. Just for fun, go to Germany and Israel and ask.

    Try this link:

    People say 'Learn from history'. But when you try to study certain eras, they get all snippy.

    Study everything, learn all that you can about the Third Reich. Perhaps you will find more information to aid in not repeating the past.

  2. The large piece of metal hanging from a chain was worn by military police.When I was in college in the early 1970s,there was a student who displayed a n**i battle flag swastika included in the window of his dorm room.His father had been a German officer in WW2 and this was his way of supporting what his father and other Germans had done.Such a display would be impossible on any college campus today with political correctness being enforced.It is possible to purchase n**i era propaganda posters with the equivalent messages of support the troops.I too enjoy the study of history and like you were in this section I've been accused of being a crypto n**i.Just ignore the ignorant and keep studying.

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