
Where can I get a paging system for my 9 yo son?

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My son plays outside with children who live near us, and like most parents, I watch him carefully. But yesterday I totally ruined the neighborhood kickball game because my son had to come home and check in with me every 20 minutes and he was the pitcher. I don't want to be a Helicopter Mom, but I freak out when I can't see my kid, and then I totally panic if I don't find him in 3 minutes and sometimes ruin his fun. I'd like to get a paging system for him--similar to the ones between a cordless phone base and the handset. You know, that button you press on the base that makes the handet beep from wherever it is? I'd love something that my son could keep in his pocket (or on his wrist or wherever; somewhere on his person) that I could page from home to let him know I'm looking for him and remind him him to come check in with me. Does anyone know of any products like that on the market?




  1. I have never heard of that but you could use something like what boost moble has.  Where you can open up the cell phone and it has a map with a blinkey light that shows you were your son is at.

  2. Don't interupt him until he is finished, watch the game or give him signals that it is time to eat

  3. get him a firefly cell phone.

    its one that has a button for mom dad and 9-1-1. and thats it... or something like that.

  4. OMG - you sound just like me.  My 7 1/2 year old just started to go around the corner.  I give him my cell phone and have it programmed so he only has to hit send and it calls home.  He thinks it's sooo cool that he keeps calling me on his own to show off in front of his friends.  And I can call him when I need him.

  5. Lady, your insecurity should not be ruining your child's social activities. What you're doing is helicopter mom behavior. If you would just take it as an opportunity for quality time, sat there and watched the game and rooted him on, that would be supportive. He should not have to check in every 20 mins...what can happen in 20 mins can happen in 5 minutes or an hour, this 20 minute thing is a false sense of security for you.

    If it means that much to you, make sure there is a responsible adult wherever the kids are playing who knows you and will tell you if there is something wrong. Otherwise, YOU be that parent and network in your neighborhood to get other parents involved with their kids activities so you'll have more time to yourself. Where's dad??

  6. Why not just get walkie talkies? The ones that are like in the hunting section at walmart (REAL not toy) go several miles. It's not like you let your son go THAT far, I would hope not.. He could clip it on his pants or put it in his pocket..

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