
Where can I get a pattern and directions to make a bean bag for my young niece to use?

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Where can I get a pattern and directions to make a bean bag for my young niece to use?




  1. Bean bags are really simple to sew and when making them for children you only have to work with small pieces of fabric.

    To see images and example patterns check out the Better Homes and Gardens website link below.

    You'll need -

    Butchers paper

    3.3 x 150cm wide fake fur

    45cm closed-end zipper

    35cm red fabric

    35cm iron-on stabiliser

    35cm Vliesofix

    Matching thread

    Embroidery threads

    500g bag polystyrene balls

    Equipment: Metal square rule or set square, scissors, pliers, sewing machine.

    Directions -

    1 Draft pattern pieces onto paper, following our diagrams. All patterns (except heart) include 1.5cm seam allowance.

    2 Cut out six bean bag side sections, one circle for top and two half-circles for bottom.

    3 Stitch two long sections together along one edge, right sides facing. Turn to right side and press. Top-stitch 6mm each side of seam, for extra strength.

    4 Draw heart shape on red fabric and mark centre for embroidery. Use this as your appliqué template. Choose your favourite design and embroider it on heart with stabiliser under frame.

    5 Iron stabiliser to wrong side of two bean bag sections at the point where you will appliqué heart.

    6 Iron Vliesofix to wrong side of appliqué piece, remove paper and gently iron heart onto fur.

    7 Appliqué around heart using a wide satin stitch. Tear away excess stabiliser.

    8 Stitch other four long sections together and then join to appliquéd sections. Press seams open and top-stitch 6mm each side of seams.

    9 Stay-stitch upper and lower raw edges. Clip to stitching at 1cm intervals.

    10 Stitch small circle to upper edges of bag, right sides facing. Press seams towards bag and topstitch.

    11 Pin two half-circles together along straight edges, right sides facing. Stitch seam with large machine basting stitches. Press seam open. With wrong side facing, centre zipper face down over basted seam. Machine baste in position. Turn to right side and stitch 6mm either side of seam, using zipper foot. Remove basting. Open zipper, for turning later.

    12 Stitch large circle to bag, right sides facing. Press seams towards bag and topstitch. Turn right side out.

    Hints -

        * We used fake fur fabric but other great alternatives are corduroy, denim, velveteen or vinyl.

        * To insert polystyrene 'beans', snip one corner of plastic bag to let beans out and the opposite corner of plastic bag to let air in. Push top of plastic bag right into bean bag so the beans don't escape.

        * For safety, use pliers to remove pull-tab from zipper after you have filled and closed bag. When you need to empty bag for washing, use a safety pin inserted through remaining tab-stop to open zipper.

    - Better Homes and Gardens Team

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