
Where can I get a quality board for cheap?

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Where can I get a quality board for cheap?




  1. Out front of the cafe where they eat after a surf.

  2. Do price comparisons on

  3. ask santa

  4. Get to know people surfing, and you can get a second hand board for cheap.  If you trust craigslist, I'd go there.  I've met some WQS guys on there that just want to get rid of their boards.  Then there's also getting to know a shaper.  You can get a quality board from a shaper as they will make it perfectly customized for you. It's not as cheap as getting it second hand, but it's tons better than buying off a rack.  It costs the same buying from a shaper, except you just have to wait. But it's worth it.

  5. get a firewire great brand

  6. Well when I go to get stuff for going and being a beach babe on the beach I go to this store called Rip Curl. It is awesome they have everythign there.

  7. That depends on where you are located and where you are surfing.

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