
Where can I get back issues of magazines?

by  |  earlier

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I am not talking old collectors copies or anythng. specifically I am interested in Real Simple. I just bought my first issue, but I can't afford a subscription. I was wondering if there is anywhere I can get back issues without spending more than a subscription. Thanks!




  1. Try your local library. You can usually check out the magazine for 2 weeks.(It's free!)

  2. i would check ebay from time to time , that sorta stuff turns up and sometimes you can get a number of issues as a lot

  3. You can purchase them at

    They're a little pricy.  I'd try to read the articles on-line or in the library first.  Then if you really need to own the mags, try eBay.

  4. sometimes, in the magazines they have places where you can order old ones.

  5. The magiazine's web site.

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