
Where can I get citizenship while keeping my US citizenship?

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This may seem odd, but I have always wanted to get as many citizenships as I possibly could. I am wondering where easy countries to get citizenship, while keeping my US citizenship, are? Are there any particularly cool or useful citizenships to have? Any answers appreciated! Thanks.




  1. you may get more than another citizenship ,some hold 3 ,

    the UK would be easy or any country where you have lived 5 years or less sometimes.

    you may obtain one by marrying one from another country, or by residing in another country ,depending on their laws of residency,know the language, and some of the basics gov. rules, laws etc.history.

    by your family roots ? if you had a parent of descendant of that country ,

    the US does allow dual citizenship ,but some country do NOT allow you to have dual citizenship ,you would have to forfeit your US citizenship or the other way around ;

    the main thing? it would be time consuming

    go to this page to see which country allow dual citizenship

    i know of some who have 3 citizenships .

    if you did get another citizenhip? while in that country , you would be of course ,obligated to obey the law of that country .

    pay taxes, and behave just as any other citizen of that country.

  2. technically the only way you can loose your U.S. citizenship is to either join the government or military of a country that the U.S is at war with. (treason). Or you can deny it to a state-department official in person and in writing. The Government can't just take your citizenship away if you get another one. so go get as many as you like. but you will be subject to the laws and TAXES of those other countries just like the U.S. i would look into one of the British East Caribbean passports. just as good as a British one.  But with a U.S. passport you can pretty much get into any country on the planet. and there are a lot where you don't even need to get a visa.

  3. It sounds like you're a greedy pig who just wants the advantages of living in any country they please but is too proud of being an American do any actual work for them.

    The US get a bit antsy if you get more than one. The thing is the US can make you choose if you have 2 (in extreme circumstances). Most countries will allow dual but won't allow more than that. Malta allows multipule. Malta is good because they are EU as well.

    But hey, if you're as lazy as I think you are. Go for Iranian. You get it automatically via marriage. Course you may have to revert to muslim and may be recruited by Osama himself but I don't have a problem with that. Do you?

  4. I'm afraid you do come across as a bit greedy in your original question. The phrase "Are there any particularly cool or useful citizenships to have?" does give that impression that you're a bit immature as well as the context of your original question. Be grateful you didn't ask this in the immigration section. They'd shoot you down like crazy (and they get a lot more prats saying "how do I get quick and easy second/multipule citizenship" and "what countries offer instant citizenship if I marry a citizen" also "I'm American how many other passports can I buy and of which countries" or the infamous "can I instantly become a EU citizen if I marry a EU citizen without going to Europe because I don't want to live there I just want the passport" and people who just want to file for citizenship of another country without living there which is rather annoying for legal immigrants who jumps through plenty of hoops to get their legal status (trust me on this, legal immigrants get so annoyed when they hear about the illegals getting freebies from the government and when they ask daft questions like this because they know the pain of becoming legal, not to mention the paperwork and the money). Embassies is a bit more quieter.

    The truth is most countries will not issue you a passport unless you citizen of their country (the Brits have these look-alike passports which are not issued to British people but are issued to people who have legitimate links to Britian such as being born in a British colony). The best thing to do in this case is to check your parentage. If your parents are immigrants you'll may able to get something through them depending on the laws of the country, if they allow dual citizenship and your age (coming of age can hamper things as some countries will make it necessary for you to be declared before you are an adult). You may also qualify if your grandparents are immigrants depending on which country (the Britsh allow for ancestry visas if your grandparents were born in Britian). Failing that, usually, five years legally in a country will get you citizenship. It depends on the country in question of course.

    Considering that you're a medical student when you graduate you will find it easier to get work visas. You may apply for a second passport under special circumstances if you are doing extensive travel and will be required to give up your passport for long periods of time (however this is subject to the discretion of the passport office).

    If it's just a childhood dream to collect passports and have them in a display for no actual purpose you may want to look into Camouflage passports. These are passports of now non-existent countries. They cannot be used as an actual passport, they're really just fun little things for people to have who just wish to remember the old regime (you'll have to look further into that yourself if you want more info).

    What's DWB? Not being American I sometimes get confused with American speech.

  5. Most cities won't give you a citizenship unless you live there or do business there.  Also, if you get another citizenship, see a lawyer about it first, because it may subject you to tax consequences or lack of consular protection if you travel.  But honestly, I think you're being silly.  Try collecting library cards or something else that won't get you in trouble.

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