
Where can I get dual citizenships around the world being Filipino American? Born in Cali from Filipino parents

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Where can I get dual citizenships around the world being Filipino American? Born in Cali from Filipino parents




  1. If your parents were citizens of the Philippines at the time of your birth in the US, then you are considered a US citizen according to the law of Jus soli (born in the US), and a citizen of the Philippines according to the the law of Jus sanguinis (at least one of your parents was a citizen of the Philippines).

  2. Be careful, I've read that while the US allows dual citizenship immigrants and their children, emigrants (expatriates) are not allowed to have dual-citizenship, and must renounce their American citizenship before gaining another.  Check the state department and homeland security department websites.

  3. you already have dual citizenship,US and Philippines,

    you can go to another country, leave there and get another citizenship,

    or marrying someone from another country and get another citizenship,

    depends what other citizenship you want? most, countries do allow it, some do not,by being born in the US, you are an US citizen, and you can ask for the Philippines citizenship as well, if not done already?

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