
Where can I get free picture cues from the Picture Exchange Communication System?

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On the weekends I work with an Autistic Teen. He is non verbal and it is hard to communicate with him. He loves to do puzzles, blow bubbles, cut paper, go on walks, go swimming etc. I need some picture cues for that and for when he misbehaves, like trying to tell him what he did is not funny etc. Thanks for you help! :)




  1. Try - I think it has a lot of free things.  Also, look at also has a lot of free things you can print off.

    Good luck!

  2. You need to talk to his parents and/or his school and see what he is using to communicate with them.

    If he's able to use PECS pictures then get his parents to show you where in the house they are kept or arrange for them to get brought home from shcool for the weekend.

    However if he doesn't use PECS then they won't be much use. The communication needs to be consistent across all people and environments and a system that he does not understand will not work.

    Whatever his system of communication if it is based on symbols then you can get the parents to arrange what I said before.

    However if he is not working with symbols yet (this is called intentional communication) then you may need to come up with a different system to use with him.

    For instance when he is misbehaving you can not talk to him or discontinue the activity or something simalar to show him that you don't appreciate this behaviour. Once he's stopped the misbehaviour or replaced it with a good one you begin the activity from where you left off.

    Another good tactic is redirecting.

  3. you can ask his school to send hoem some pictures--

    or you can use a generic clipart program or take photographs yourself..

    it depends on his abilities--and what he uses in school---if they are using actual PECS-he may or may not be able to use an alternative such as generic clipart

    The school should be providing the home with the same communication he is using in school...

  4. good suggestions from this site:

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