
Where can I get good content for a web site directory newsletter?

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I am starting a newsletter pertaining to web site directories. What are some good places to look for content?




  1. Hi

    You can get lots of content from article directories. Do a search on Google for 'article directories' - they are hundreds of them.

    They publish articles on all sorts of topics so you may get some for site directories.

    Articles are normally available for anyone to use as content for ezines and newsletters etc. but check on the site's guidelines first.

  2. Your local library's website might be a good place to start. The content is probably the most reliable. Libraries also have their own wikis which are not available on their websites, but if you go into the library, a librarian would print out for you the sites they use regularly.

    Here's just one page on my library's website as an example:

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