
Where can I get good free home school resources?

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I am home schooling my sons and they are at level key stage 3 I am looking for some good free downloadable resources for Science, French and Geography. I am in England




  1. Ok the internet is probably the best, but if you are struggling to find downloadable sorces then why not go to college your self and learn computing.

    See, if your children were at a school, their resource would be free but as you have chosen a at home option you may very well have to buy your resources.

    Your best bet here then would be buying some proper encyclopedias, like childrens brittanica, not cheap by any means for the full set, but worth every penny.

    As far as french is concerned, best thing to do as you don't need to take them out of school is to go and live in france for a year and put them in a private french school for 2 hours a day to learn the language.

  2. You may or may not like this type of learning system but it is complete and totally free pre k-12 grade curriculum as well as pre med,medical school college level with other college level courses to be added.Check them out at:  We are doing research because we are opening a Christian library resource center for use free of charge by homeschoolers of all ages.I came across this one today when I was looking up resources to provide-both online and hardback curriculum for our Ministry.When I saw this one my eyes almost popped out it was so complete and seems like a very easy way to teach children.I am a veteran of many years homeschooling(5 of 6 children all graduated HS or GED's,most in college and or ready to graduate),I am compiling a list of the best that I find and could pass it along.I just have to get it all typed up.My list will comprise of Christian as well as secular materials.I did want to get this particular one out to you as it takes only a quick registration and you can be homeschooling with it in 5 minutes if you use the system that tracks your progress.Additionally, you may look at all they have to offer and do work in the coursework without the registration it just doesn't track your progress.Hope this helps and get back to me if you want my entire list in a few days.

  3. Try the links below.

    Oh, I almost forgot

    "Thousands of education programmes on TV and online"

  4. In addition to looking at some of the UK resources mentioned above by Firebird and others, try the Times Educational Supplement website.

    You will need to register, but it is free and you don't have to be a teacher to do so.  There are some useful resources on their website, but you best bet is to go into the "staffroom" section and select the subject(s) for which you need resources.  You can then ask for any links or book suggestions by sending a message to subject fora.

    Most of the people on it are teachers, but I have had some pretty amazing responses from them even though I am home-educating parent and don't bother with the National Curriculum per se.  For example, my daughter (13) is very much into Classics, and the people on that particular forum have been especially helpful.

    I cannot really give you any specific websites to look at as the only science we are doing is astronomy, my daughter hates French and she is going IGCSE Geography (although she found Geog. boring at school).

    We are looking at natural hazards and their effect on countries as part of the syllabus .  Sadly there have been examples of each recently (Burma cyclone, Chile volcano, China earthquake).  For this particular topic she has been working on a scrapbook of info on each using cuttings from the Times to build up a picture of these hazards and  how the victims are suffering in once way or another, due to poverty, politics and isolation.  

    Don't feel that you have to stick to Key Stages etc.  We ignore them and just get on with the business of learning!

  5. Do they have homeschooling conferences in England?  At those, you will find all the information you could possibly want or  need.  And the resources, too - and people who can help you.

  6. I live in the US & I homeschool. I don't know if this will be much help or not, but I thought it wouldn't hurt for you to check out this website : . I hope it helps you out.

  7. I would check out WOWIO ( They have free eBooks and you can download up to 12 eBooks a day. They have hundreds of subjects.

    For science try:

    For French try:

    For Geography try:

    I hope this helps!

    Denise Oliveri

    Parenting Tweens Feature Writer

    Preschool Sunday School Central

  8. visit

  9. We absolutely love

    I'm not sure what "level key stage 3" means but these videos and resources are interesting for all ages.    They require you to register but they are totally gimmicks.

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