
Where can I get help filling out my husbands immigration form?

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my husband lives abroad and I am trying to fill the form for is visa, there are some questions that I do not understand, so I need help.




  1. I think the last comment was a little rude. Obviously they do not understand how difficult it is for someone in this situation. Well I do. I am in the process with my husband. I would be happy to answer any of your questions, in fact I am starting a business to translate for those who cannot read/write english. However, I cannot give advise I can only translate the form for them. I would highly suggest finding an attorney who can aide you in the process. I was fortunate enough to find a few lawyers who helped me for free. Although this form is "self explanitory" and simple, one will have many questions because these are serious forms. This is a serious process. This is your life, and your husbands life. Be patient, do not rush things. And good luck :-D -FMG

  2. You might check with Daniel Ibarra.

  3. What part of it don't you understand? The first thing you should be filing is the I-130. Most of that is pretty basic. What questions do you not understand? If you want, you can message me through here and if it's something I know I'll help you with it..  If it's not something I know, I may at least be able to point you to someone that does know..

  4. Go to a immigration lawyer or consultant. Consultant will be cheaper, but hes not really someone who studied into that. Make sure he has experience.

    We recently filled the forms, but its in Canada, its not that hard.

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