
Where can I get help for my anger problems?

by  |  earlier

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I get very angry with my partner at the slightest of things and find it hard to control, where can I go to get help, or which organization should i ring?





  1. Um.....You should maybe go to a counselor  or sometimes when i am angry i get all my anger out.....

  2. I just wanna say props to wanting to work to make things better. I would still be with my partner of 4 years if he could have taken on this challenge.

    A doctor will have all sorts of resource material you can look into.  I read a lot  on my own to help myself with issues when I'm not in any counciling.

  3. i know there is an anger therapy right? probbly you can research it in you area.

  4. Out rule thyroid problems first with your doctor?

    Is the relationship healthy?

    local shires and councils have contacts to all health departments that could be a start, or see a counselor for direction.

  5. Your doctor can rule out physical problems and refer you to mental health professionals.

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