
Where can I get hold of 20 pumpkins?

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I need to find 20ish medium sized pumpkins, and I am going to need them in the first week of September, preferably available in South Wales or the South West, could be a problem as they might not be in season yet. They are for decorative purposes and should be orange. Anyone have any idea where I can get them from that early in the year?




  1. im not sure that will be possible

    pumkins ripen October 3rd mostly

  2. Farmers market

  3. It could be tricky. The main crop - obviously aimed for Haloween - will only just have been sown. Butternut squash is the usual culinary alternative, but that won't be much good for you!  

  4. go to your local groceries they usually have loads :)

  5. Since they are for decorative purposes, crafting stores sell very realistic looking ones that will not rot and can be used again.

  6. hmm this time of year will be tough but I suppose you can find them at a Farmer's Market or WholeFoods store.

    If you can wait a little until like mid-September you can go to a pumpkin patch where they actually grow and there will be millions.

  7. my local tesco extra sells a smallish pumpkin type thing. they class it as a squash, but it looks identical to a pumpkin. its the size of  a small football.

  8. Farmer's Market might be your best bet, you might luck out and find someone who planted early.

    Good luck!

  9. Farmers markets in a larger town or city should source stuff from everywhere.

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