
Where can I get my IQ rating online for free?

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Where can I get my IQ rating online for free?




  1. An IQ test is a long and complicated process. It requires a person trained in the field to administer it. Don't believe anyone who says that they can get an IQ with some easy questions or some quick process.

  2. I know that  Tickle .com has tests, you just have to sign up.

    Its free, but NO online test is going to be as accurate as one taken from a college or high school.

    Tickle tests are very generalized, and do not constitute as accurate.  They are at best, like any other online test, a +or- 10 points margin of error.

  3. THe IQ tests that you take for free and exactly what they are worth...nothing./

    They are notoriously unreliable . If you want to take an IQ test go to a qualified psychologist and pay for it.


    I like this site better than all the iq tests I've taken (and they have a good offset number as well)

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