
Where can I get my diploma if I graduated with being home-schooled?

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I was homeschooled and I can't figure out where to get my diploma from even though I've graduated.The one the state sent me me via e-mail looks fake because they said just print it out and sign,no seal no nothing.




  1. If you live in a place where your state issues diplomas to homeschool students, then that's it.

    Just from hanging out on this forum, I've noticed that people place a ton of weight and importance on this little piece of paper, and at times are disappointed when reality doesn't match their lofty ideals.

    My diploma from back in the day is ordinary, although it is in a nice holder (I have it in my closet on a memento shelf). My husband's is in a scrap book his mom made for him, and it is about the same. The ones we have from college are a step up, but not extravagant by any means. Some of the doctors and pastors I know that display their degrees have some nice ones too, but again, nothing extravagant.

    But, in contrast, every parent generated diploma I have seen is exceptionally nice, because they are custom made and, well, the maker has a vested interest.

    So, you earned that piece of paper, don't thumb your nose at it, and like another said, you can print another if you want.

    The diploma is the celebratory document, it is your transcript and test scores that are the "proof" documents, for lack of better wording.

  2. Typically, homeschoolers get their diplomas from their parents, or if they used a correspondence course, from the correspondence school.  A diploma is just a fancy piece of paper, your parents can give it an embossed gold seal if they want (available from ).  The  thing that matters more than a diploma is a transcript, so I hope they kept records of your studies.

    Homeschoolers usually get into college based on their homeschool transcript and their SAT or ACT scores.

  3. You must be cheated. try some education more authorized.

  4. You don't get a regular graduation diploma because you didn't graduate from a regular school.  You can buy a fancy certificate at Office Depot and print whatever you like on it!

  5. If the State you life in sent it it's legitimate

    There is also the GED

    Most college just look at how smart you are via the entrance tests.

    There is also the SAT and ACT

  6. THAT is your diploma. If you want something different, contact them again and ask if you can get one that is mailed out, sealed; that you'll send a SASE if needed.

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