
Where can I get onto the Rainforest Cafe London nightclub guestlist?

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Where can I get onto the Rainforest Cafe London nightclub guestlist?




  1. YOU HAVE TO HOPE AND PRAY A LOT for a miracle?

  2. Breast implants, low cut top and, tight clothes. No, it's not the guest list but, pretty much a guarantee that you'll get in the door.

  3. If you go onto Google and tap in Exclusive London, they help you get on the guest lists to many clubs in london by suppliying phone numbers.

  4. Normally, you can only get on a guestlist if you know someone at the club. That is why it is called a 'guest' list.

  5. I didn't know there was a guestlist there, I have never had a problem getting in.  

    In general, for more exclusive places, try ringing to book in advance and asking if they can put you on any lists.  As someone else here has said, the guestlist is generally for friends of the management/PR etc of the club, but there is another list for paying customers who can get preferential treatment.  I know there are some websites which can also get you added to lists, such as Sintellate or something along those lines.

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