
Where can I get paper that works with a Victorian silver pen ??

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I'm looking for a small pad of paper treated for silverpoint, I know it can be made but would like readt done !




  1. Your best bet, depending on where you live, will be either an art supply store, a specialty paper store, or a printer specializing in authentic reproductions that might steer you right. A keyword search is the way to go, but I think you'll have to know what the process and ingredients are first. Also be prepared to get the paper from New York City or London.

    For your purposes use Google or Yahoo only as a last resort--there are just too many dead ends and irrelevancies to wade through. Start with (and please name as the charity--it gets a penny for every lookup). Keyword search under silverpoint pen and silverpoint ranks its discoveries, so you might even hit the jackpot right off the bat. You may even have to narrow it to silverpoint paper process, since the chemicals (maybe search for ink, too) will be the heart of what you need. For heavy duty try runs a half-dozen other engines for you, including google and yahoo. That site even found my son, who was missing for over three years (honest!). This project sounds like fun and you have a shot at becoming an expert in a narrow and half-forgotten field. Who knows? There may even be a profit for a middle man.

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