
Where can I get powers?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna be like her




  1. I got mine from a Cornflakes packet.

  2. Ahahahah!  That was great!

    Which just goes to show that most rapists are p**s weak opportunists who prey on females with low self-confidence.

  3. Well either make a fake video on youtube...

    Or get a retarded, weak rapist who is un drugs and plans to rape someone in a closed public elevator that will open in a few seconds if hes not careful and where the girl can press an button at anytime. h**l there's even a camera, possibly a phone....

    Ohh and you don't have to use  any martial art, just hit puch him like a 5 year old.

  4. Write your own script and film your own movie.

  5. Go to your local arachnology lab and get bitten by a genetically engineered super spider.

  6. Oh my gawd that made my entire day!

    LOL!  Thanks for sharing.

    And the answer to your question is "I don't know but when you find out please let me know.  I want some too"!

  7. Please let's have fact based movie on her.

  8. THAT WAS THE YOUTUBE VIDEO EVER. That was funny when he tried to get out and she pulled him back in and and started punching him in the face

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