
Where can I get recycling bins cheap?

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I am recycling but right now everthing is in cardboard boxes that are full and taking up alot of space on the porch.

Here are the types I really like:$pd300$

They are all really expensive though. The first one is 130 american dollars not counting shipping over to here. I live in a rural area and they don't do curbside, you have to take the stuf to the center which I don't mind doing.

Also, what is a good compact way to carry them in the car to the center? Don't have a truck.




  1. just steal one

  2. holy c**p 130 for a garbage bin wtf in Canada that like 20-40 dollars

  3. walmart, but unfortunately the employees of walmart get the cheap end.

  4. Anything you use will take up space. You should make it a point to take something out before you bring something else in. None are cheap and most are take energy to make. so I would say you are doing right by using boxes.

  5. Yes, the 1st pic of the metal type, will be expensive & they won't hold much anyways.

    The 2nd link of the plastic/rubber type, are more what I'd look for. They should be easy to wash out (if you ever plan on doing that). I usually do... just like once a year around spring.

    Remember, you the containers dont need to be made for recycling, if they work for you. I don't know where you are or what kind of stores they have over there, but here, I'd go to any major shopping store (Walmart, Menards, etc) & just buy some nice big heavy tupperwear storage bins for this purpose if my garbage company didn't already provide me something.

    Of course they are going to take up space, but the only thing to do about that, is to see if there's a better place to keep them or take them in (since you don't have pick-up) more often.

    Plan a trip every other week or once a month - every month on a certain week (last week of the month, 1st week of the month, etc.)

    If you keep the containers clean, you should be able to pick them up & place in your backseat, or keep an old blanket to use for this purpose & lay on your seat or in your trunk to place the containers on.

  6. If you have to   "take the stuff to the center" , then why do you want to spend money on recycling bins?  

    Why don't you just use an inexpensive container if you're not happy using cardboard?


  7. Plastic bags work just fine.

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