
Where can I get restaurant furniture (table, chairs, etc.) in Singapore?

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Where can I get restaurant furniture (table, chairs, etc.) in Singapore?




  1. Restaurant furnitures are mostly customised to your needs and layout.  You may contact any timber dealers or manufacturers in Kranji area (Entire area you can find hundreds of factories focussied on customised furniture.  You want to go very cheap, just cross our border and at JB there are furniture shops in City Plaza.  All the best (If you are looking for furniture of foot court style (suggestion - to take it up wisely- gas dealer or your beer supplier can give you free of cost) hi hi hi

  2. Try looking in the business section of your local Singapore telephone directory.

  3. If for new furniture set up, you can visit The Furniture Mall in Plaza Hotel located in Beach Road.  If for second hand one go to old SCDF HQ at Bendeemer Road... best of luck to you

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