
Where can I get scared in the world?

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I'm looking for some really scary places I can travel to. It doesn't matter where, when or what they are - I just want to be scared shitless. Any ideas?




  1. try small towns in eastern europe or deep within russia (not major cities).

    why would you want to be so frightened? any place that is frightening would likely include a great possibility of danger - possibly being raped or murdered, if you dont know what you're doing.

  2. Take a train from Morocco to Libya and say "no" when the guards extort money from you.

    Visit any inner city.

    Go to a trail called Cliffhanger in Moab, Utah and hang over the side (I swear that's where Wile E. Coyote fell!).

    Anywhere in Iraq, Palestine, or Afghanistan.

    Stand on the rocks at Tofino before a storm.

    Walk on Kilauea alone.

    Ski or board out of bounds on any large mountain resort.


  3. How about some of these? :

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