
Where can I get the Final Fantasy games cheap? For playstation 2?

by  |  earlier

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* where can i get them cheap?

* how fun are they?

* on a scale 1-10 (10s the hardest) how hard is the 1st one?

* is the 1st one just called Final Fantasy?

Thanks for your help.




  1. ebay  game stop  err pawn shops  

    some are good  some arent  

    what would the first one be ? final fantasy   X ?

    X and X-2  are  c**p the worst ff's  i ever played

    the  playstation  final fantays list goes  like this


    final fantasy 7  first  1997  

    followed by  8   1999

    and  9   2000

    with  2 collections of remaks of final fantays  1 and 2  5 and chrono trigger   and  6 stand alone  


    final fantasy  X  2001

    final fantasy x-2  2002

    final fantasy  xI online only and also availble on  xbox 360 and  pc

    final fantasy xII  ..probably  th eonly good ff  of the ps2  generation  

    if  you only want to play  the  ps2  games they should be cheap  they are all platinum if  you want to  play the  ps1  games as wle be prepared to dig deep in your pocket  ff 7  is stil populair and does not come cheap  

  2. on PS2 only gmaes are FFX, FFX-2 n FFXII.

    They dont go in order as such as all stories are disconected, just the same name.(except X n X-2)

    The origanl FF's were on NES but have beeen rerelaesed on DS n PS 1. though Ps1 version of gmaes are hard to get hold of and Expensive, but DS gmaes are new so pretty easy to still get.

    the PS2 Final Fantasies are pretty cheap now as they are Platinum, nad most ame stores still stock them, though mostly pre-owned. FFX is a great game and IMO the best of the series, exclelent story, pretty easy game play, and easy enough to get into the rest of the series.

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