
Where can I get the inspiration?

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I am trying to write my first book. It's a love story for young adults. The problem is, I am having a hard time getting started. I have written two chapters, which is not a lot. I want to work on it and I want to write all the time....Unfortunately, I am having trouble getting inspired. I am also having a difficult time getting close to my characters. I get discouraged easily and sometimes writing even makes me really sad- to the point where I just have to walk away from my project. Can anyone recommend anything: a book, website, song, art....anything to help the creative juices start flowing.

I appreciate it!!




  1. talk to teeeens thats the best thing to do

    ask them about their love livesss

    or go on this website

    and go to like the teen love section or whatever

    there are manyyy interesting stories

  2. Do this exercise: Write out- I write because___ and fill in the blank, continue this I write because over and over with whatever pops into your head for 10 minutes. It's a sort of free write exercise. It'll remind you of why you started writing to begin with and may help you find that place, mentally, that you need to be in to connect with your story.

    If you're still having trouble with your characters I'd suggest you take the time to write a side story in each of their viewpoints-give them a problem to resolve, or just go through a day in their life and see where they take you. Learn from them.

    Music helps some people write, but I've always found it terribly distracting so it depends on you I guess. Force yourself to write something-a whole page (it doesn't have to be about your story) every day to get the creative juices going. When you're having a difficult time with a part of your story write through it. You can go back later and change it.

    Good luck, and I hope this helped a bit

  3. i have the EXACT SAME problem!!!

    lately, i've realized that the thing that helps me most is taking walks. i know that sounds really lame, but it's true! something about it clears my head and helps me think better... it's almost like a form of meditation. go to a park and walk around for just a few minutes--there are so many things that you suddenly notice! blue skies, green leaves, white clouds, curious kids, sweet old men, perfect, loving couples... it's so amazing. listen to this:

    "The rhythm of walking generates a kind of rhythm of thinking, and the passage through a landscape echoes or stimulates the passage through a series of thoughts. The creates an odd consonance between internal and external passage, one that suggests that the mind is also a landscape of sorts and that walking is one way to traverse it. A new thought often seems like a feature of the landscape that was  there all along, as though thinking were traveling rather than making."

    - Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking, p. 5.

    the one i like the most is: "Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk." - Raymond Inmon

    sometimes i believe so much that this is true.

  4. I have the exact same problem as you. I am currently working on a young adult novel. I, myself, use music to keep me going. To me, it doesn't matter what artist or whatever. I try to find different types of songs that relate to the story itself. For example, if you're doing a serious/sad story, I like to use Evanescence and groups like that. And, at the end, you've got a soundtrack for your book =)

  5. A Love Song- Sarra Barellies

    Take the meanings of the phrases and start to think of story just with that line.  

  6. Go grab your ipod/zune/mp3 player, hit random, and go on a walk.

    Listen to the music. Think about how it relates to your characters. When you are sufficiently inspired, go back inside and write.

    If you only listen to the top 40 hits... you'll probably have trouble getting inspired. My favorite artists for inspiration are:

    Death Cab For Cutie: Really personal music.

    My Chemical Romance: Yes, yes, I know. Not too original but I love them anyway.

    Muse: Multi-layered music that sends your mind reeling.

    Aqualung: I cant describe how good these guys are.

    The Bravery: Unique sound, great lyrics and music.

    The Fray: Amazing. How To Save A Life is probably their worst song, and that's saying something.

    Coldplay: Lyrics and the strings in the background!

    TV on the Radio: Just... different.

    The Arcade Fire: They have this organ they use in Neon Bible that every band should have.

    Bloc Party: They make you hyper.

    The Hush Sound: Sweetness and bitterness. Duets that will blow your mind.

    If you still cant be inspired, get the song Prelude 12/21 by AFI. Listen. Unleash yourself on the world.  

  7. please have apatience and self confidence

    Dont forget to go to nature where you can find peace  

  8. ..Not REALLY inspiration but I like, I put my writing on their and people tell me whats good and how to fix it. Maybe you could try that, see what people on there think. :P

    Not helpful I know.

    Song: The end of it all

    Band: 16Volt


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