
Where can I go hunting For Free in scotland?

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I plan to buy an air rifle to use for hunting rabbits,pigeons and the like but upon researching the legislation found i could get 10 years imprisonment for having an air-rifle in a public place. So the path through the woods next to my house is a bad idea. Anyone know somewhere I can go in the middle of nowhere(but near Gasgow) that i wont get caught?




  1. You sound like a loser to me ! This is a question you ask yourself, not the people on here ! You said you "just want to kill something" ! That in itself is a little disturbing ! Maybe you don't need a gun of anykind ! Get yourself a good stick or something !

  2. why dont you go clay pigeon shooting....then you wont be murdering animals for no reason..joe calling us anti gun losers ...too right...i dont need weapons to make me feel big!... i hate people who think they are so special they have the right to kill what they like.......scum of the earth

  3. don't pay any  attention to the two anti hunting anti gun losers above.....most of the users on here are from America and we really would have no idea people who insult you as the above posters did

  4. Here's the facts. Should you be caught with an air rifle loaded or not on land you do not have permission to be on your in trouble. In law this is called armed trespass and carries a 5 year tariff.

    Discharging a firearm on or within 50 feet of the public highway is also an offence.

    Allowing the pellet to cross the boundary of your land is also an offence.

    Note the police or the courts show no distinction between an air weapon, shotgun or rifle. Its simply a firearm.

    My advice would be to ask a local farmer if you can help him clear up his rat, pigeon & rabbit problem.

    The bottom line is you stand to lose more than just your rifle if caught.

  5. On the foreshore between the mean high and the mean low watermarks, you will sometimes find pigeon there, but mainly wildfowl for which you will need a shotgun and a lot of skill.

  6. First check out the law. Are you old enough and all that? I am pleased to see you are interested in doing this legally .You may get permission to shoot rabbits on a farm or estate if you know the landowner but it is unlikely.  You may have more luck if you approach the owner of a house with a big garden and a rabbit problem! Where I live they do heaps of damage and have to be controlled.  Most farmers prefer to do this themselves but house holders will employ someone to do the job.  But think about it. Would you trust a stranger to go firing a gun around your home? Join the local "young farmers" and get to know people first.

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