
Where can I go to Audition for Disney Channel ?

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Where can I go to Audition for Disney Channel ?




  1. get into drama classes,dance classes ect.

    get an agent

    get a headshot

    Your agent will get your auditions

  2. Type "Disney Channel"in the "Search for questions" box and read any one of the 10,000 identical posting's replies.

  3. first you need classes and training to build uppp ur resume... here is an example of a begginers resume:

    Second, you need an agent, her or she will tell you what to do

    thinrd, you need an acting resume and profesional headshot the headshot needs to be recent....

    fourth,you need to build your way up to TV..... tyr out for plays, then musicals, then extras, commericals, and THEN TV oor film...

    then your set......

    but ONLY if you have the talent.......

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