
Where can I go to convert old camcorder cassette tapes to DVDs?

by  |  earlier

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My mom has a lot of old camcorder cassette tapes of my siblings and I from when we were really young. She never got around to putting all of them onto VHS tapes/DVDS. She does not own the camcorder she used when recording these cassettes. Is there a place that will convert these camcorder cassette tapes to DVD? Preferably a physical location, and not an online service.




  1. check this out

  2. You can do this yourself.

    You need an analog converter, either internal card or external such as the dazzle. It's very easy to use and come with good software. You would hook your  VCR to the analog converter, the dazzle and then hook the dazzle to your PC. The dazzle cost around 70.00 , but worth the money if you have a lot of VHS to tapes to convert. No matter how you do it, you will lose quality wehn converting nanlog to digital.

    You can check with your local cable company mine does video transfer but it's not cheap.

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