
Where can I go to find crime statistics for various apartment complexes in the Chicago suburbs?

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I'm moving out in a month but before I decide on a place, I want to make sure it's not in a high crime area. Is there a website I can go to where I can research the crime statistics for specific apartment complexes? I've tried looking on the city websites and apartment websites but I'm not having any luck. The towns I'm looking in specifically are Rolling Meadows, Hoffman Estates, and Schaumburg. Is there a mass database or something online? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!




  1. Check out Your request is very complicated you may have to call the towns specified and ask how you can obtain that information. Good Luck!  

  2. I am a Realtor in these areas and I do work with rentals. I recommend that you check with the local police departments or check into the cities web sites. They will be able to provide you with the information you are looking for.  

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