
Where can I go to find out if I am royal or not?

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Where can I go to find out if I am royal or not?





    start here and work your way back.....see if you come up with some names

  2. Given the six degrees of separation I would say we are all connected to one royalty or another. What does it matter ?

  3. If you're a Christian, you are already!

    1 Peter 2[:9] says, "You are a royal priesthood and a priestly kingdom

  4. If you are looking for the Holy Grail of many genealogy buffs, descent from royalty, you may or may not be disappointed.  Obviously, in most cases, you'll need to take your pedigree back many generations.  

    Some Americans, such as myself, can find very distant ties to royalty--in my case, the House of Stuart--because younger sons of the nobility often sought their fortune in Colonial Virginia. All we had to do to achieve this lofty status was for our ancestors to survive numerous Indian attacks, a Revolution, and a Civil War, not to mention lots of dread diseases, so we could access our genealogy on line at (for a World Deluxe membership annual fee of $208.95)*.

    I discovered this august fact (when I came across the name of one Mary Stewart, who was the daughter of James II of Scotland), approximately 30 years after I first started researching my family tree.  In the beginning, I could take all my lines back to my great grandparents, or in some cases, great great grandparents (say about 1800).  Of course, in some instances, that's as far as I've been able to trace particular surnames.  For example, I've traced my paternal great, great grandfather back to an Alden Smith of New Hampshire in 1800, but from there the trail goes cold.

    To summarize, if you don't know and need to ask, you aren't royalty, although you may descend from royalty. Estimates vary, but some experts have theorized that up to 80 percent of all citizens of the United Kingdom descend from royalty while almost as many Americans do.  Of course, as far as British royalty goes, unless you're "a heir of the body" of Sophia, the Electress of Hanover, you aren't in line for Succession.

    *P. S. --  If cost thousands of dollars, I doubt that many amateur genealogists would use it.  A World Deluxe membership costs $208.95 annually, but an US Deluxe membership costs about $155.00 annually.

    I'll admit right away that I'm not obsessed enough with a possible royal link to hire Burke's Peerage to verify my descent.  Besides, I'm having too much fun along the way looking up my ancestors.  Next week, I'm going to a Clan Donald family reunion.  Slainte!

    B. E. C. -- Nobiliate???

  5. Go to the bank of Manaco...if they give you money based on your name...then your royalty...if not...hope you got the plane ticket money when the bill comes.

  6. If one has to ask.... one is clearly of low birth, lol

  7. Im related to royalty actually in the 13th century my great great great ect. grandfather was a royal knight

  8. chances are you are not.

  9. The toilet.

  10. You are not a royal.You'd know since birth if you were because titles are passed down.If you aren't in line of succession you may have a distant link in the past.And to find out you need to have your family tree done by a professional genealogist. Burke's Peerage and Debretts specialize in royalty and the also has the ability to trace your tree,but all charge fees,around one thousand dollars for the service.

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