
Where can I go to get a paternity test done in orange county??

by  |  earlier

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I need one done fast that is very accurate that can hold up in court




  1. I think any hospital in Florida can help you.

    Dade County...Manatee county.....Sarasota county.....They all have hospitals that can help you.

  2. Labcorp. If all parties are willing to submit.

  3. Never heard of a DA's office doing it for free.  I was a DA for 19 years.  Anyway, it depends on what you want to prove.  If you want to prove someone is the father of a child, the court can order it.  If you want to prove a child is yours, talk to you doctor.  

    I am not sure what you are trying to do, and that makes the answer harder.

  4. Call the DA Office.  They do it for free.

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