
Where can I go to get help dealing with my rapidly increasing sensitive and intuitive abilities?

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This is not something that gives me positive feelings; in fact, it's downright irritating and has begun to cause relationship problems for me. I've had countless experiences from about age eleven that I guess one would label paranormal. I'm now 47. Over the years I've had precognitions of events right before they occur, problems with watches and other electrical/electromagnetic devices, objects flying off counters and shelves around me, feeling invisible people and animals (cats) sitting or walking around on my bed, knowing exactly how to get around a town I've never been to, sensing things such as undiagnosed, malignant tumors and other illnesses just by being close to someone, etc. Lately, it's gotten to where I can't even enjoy a new show or movie because I know exactly what's going to happen or be said. It's hard to have conversation with people because I not only know what they'll say, but what they're NOT saying, and I sense lies, ulterior motives and roots of insecurity instantly without being told or having background knowledge. Obviously, people don't like this very much, and I've been told more than once, "Get out of my head!" I told one friend (suddenly blurted it out, actually) that I sensed "something bad in [her] head." I literally recoiled from her, it hit me so hard. When she found out two months later she had cancer there, she actually blamed me for giving it to her somehow! On two occasions, I believe my life has been negatively impacted by wearing found jewelry belonging to deceased persons I didn't know. I don't really feel psychic, just sensitive and intuitive enough to be uncomfortable much of the time. How do I handle this? Are there things that can help me either squelch what I have, or develop it more fully so as to be a positive force in my life?




  1. I'm sorry I haven't been back to this, but you!  Hi.  My name is Ralph Jack Phillips.  I am a natural born psychic(we all are) and a military coordinate protocol trained remote viewer from Farsight Institute, Atlanta, Ga.  I know what you are going through and it's a pain in the as...tral body.  I may be able to offer you some help and insight how to control that which didn't exist...before 1974.  When our State Department authorized Stamford Research Institute in California to research the possibility of using psychics to obtain clandestine information against Russia.  Seems two Canadian journalists had been shown by the Russians, what them sly commies had discovered.  I would LOVE to share any knowledge and training I have at my disposal to you and anyone who would like to harness the abilities that they are born with.  All six of our sensory talents.  One just has the ability to do what the other five do...beyond time and space.  I am at some major isp' if any one would like to contact me directly.  I even have an exercise or two to help you deal with...being normal.  That is...someone who is aware of their abilities and deny's them not.

  2. I would ask a real medium. Call up your local paranormal team and they can connect you with one. Then you can find out what's really going on and how you can really develop your skills.

  3. Hello

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  4. Well... next summer my moms taking me to an intuitive camp in my local area.  Maybe you can find one too in your local area.  Sorry if this doesnt help.  God bless!

  5. Story of my life.

    See if you can find someone who practices qi-gong/chi-gong.

    There could be several different things causing it. Somtimes they're called psychic attacks, and they do drive you crazy.

    In fact, I reccomend learning some chi gong exercises. I'm guessing that the energy is going up to your head too much.  Try to breath and put all of your attention into your stomach as much as possible throughout the day. That should help a lot of it. Usually people with too much energy up there will have that problem.

    And yes, it will and can adjust. Be patient, don't be scared and paranoied that adds to it.  

  6. Sounds like you have always had gifts, that in the past were mis-labelled as witchcraft. The case of your friends cancer is the typical case of blaming you because you knew first. Just because you feel it does not make you the cause of it.  I predicted my dog's death 3 days before it happened too.

    Regarding jewlery, psychometry is a gift, so I would probably just buy new items for yourself - and try them out first.

    It sounds like you are really tallented, so I advise you do learn about these gifts before they get you down, as they can cause depression. Don't think you're mad or anything negative like this. You're not.

  7. It is possible that the women whose jewellry you have were involved in the occult and they possessed the same abilities that you now have so in other words it was transferred to you when they died. Or perhaps it could be that the jewels itself are purely occultic and that is why you have all these premonitions. Your premonitions I believe are occultic in origin and therefore not good at all. You need to first ask Jesus Christ to protect you from all harm and danger. Then you need to destory the jewellry. Then you need to ask God to cleanse you completely from the occult and ask him to remove every single premonition from you. I also suggest that you ask a pastor for his help and advice on the matter.  

  8. check for the nearest reiki clinic.  addresses available on-line.  

  9. well, i dont really think there is much of a place to go to with something like this. this is a gift though, it is nothing to be feeling bad about, but i do understand what you mean though. i think you just need to gain a little more control over it. i suppose it would be like millitary training for your mind. you would have to find the exact problem, and learn how to fix it. from what i gather, what i feel, what i know, what i think i know, everything like that, that is how i answer things, so i may be wrong, but i think any problem you have will be unique for the most part, so, all anyone can do is give you a general thing or idea to try. as for hearing people thoughts, motives, anything like that, i think you need to try to learn to make a block, like a mental block that will hold it out. it will probably take some effort, but you can do it. i dont know exactly what you are going through, it may be because of experience (i am 13) but i do understand a little. i can finish sentences, i can understand feelings exactly most times, and i can kind of project would be the word i suppose, feelings. i guess, yet again, that it is different for everybody. i dont claim being psychic either, and i do agree with your terms for sensitive and intuitive. the only things that i can think of that might help (this is coming from... well, i suppose it would be from psycology, or something like that) is maybe something that makes you feel safe. do you remember when you were a kid? something that made you feel safe, or protected? maybe a toy you kept with you to make you feel better? what would make you feel that way again? think of something that would do that for you. maybe a piece of jewelry of a close relative's (i dont think the jewelry belonging to a deceast person would hurt anything as long as you felt safe with it) just anything to make you feel that way. most of what you feel, do, or as you put- being sensitive and intuitive, comes from the mind, and how your mind works consiously and un consiously. to really change what you do, you have to change your mind. like i said before, it would be like a boot camp for your mind. you will have to make, yes i said MAKE,  your mind behave the way you know it needs to.  determine the main problem, and then, figure out the best way to fix the problem, and carry it through. anything like this gift you have can be a positive thing, you just have to learn how to control it better. well, lets say (bear with me) that to make your mind be able to control what it can do (which you might have to do this), you think of it as a remote. with an off and an on button on it. you would train your mind to think of itself as a remote. to use what you have, you mentally push an on button. or, maybe you think of it as an erase board. you draw what you want (WANT) to happen, and imagine an object doing it. make your mind see what YOU WANT to see, and if all goes as planned, it will. if not, just keep focusing on what YOU WANT to happen.

    when you try to ignore someone talking to you, dont you normally focus on one thing, and block them out? if so, try doing that mentally. think of your mind with a brick wall around it. if you do it right, it will be. nothing will come in. or, you could try making a mental shield (maybe that you feel around your entire body) and, just leaving it there. feel it around you, and, it will be. if you (your mind) knows it is there, it will stay there, and other's thoughts wont bother you.

    i am sorry this is so long, and, if i bored you with it, i appologize for that too. :)

    i know some people will call you (or me for that matter) insane, or crazy, but what does it matter what they 'say' you are, as long as you 'know' what you are. if you know you are telling the truth, it wont bug you that they 'think' that you arent.

    i wish you the best of luck, and, this really is a gift, and dont let anyone tell you otherwise!


  10. That may sound flippant but... given your abilities, how come your own intuition is not able to provide you with the answer?

  11. wow, i can really relate with your problem. While my gift differs from yours somewhat (i don't read minds and can't detect illness), I am very sensitive to ghosts, spririts, whatever you want to call them. For along time, it drove me half nuts because i could not control my gift and often felt like I was being invaded and intruded upon. I had some very scarey experiences also. With much appriciated advice and help from others who shared my gift or something similar, and alot of practice, lol, i learned to control what I do, decide "who" I talk too. My advice is to learn from others who have the gift. And once you learn control, u will consider it a gift also, not a curse or negative aspect of your life. Good luck. also, I learned when to share my knowledge and with who, not everyone appriciated hearing, 'oh, hey, your dead grandma told me to tell you such and and such." Hang in there.Your abililty's are great, and you can help alot of ppl

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