
Where can I go to get help for my 21 yr old moderately autistic nephew?

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He wants to find friends and maybe work part time where there are people like him. He has never "socialized" for fear of people making fun of him just as they did when he was in public school. My sister-in-law, commutes and works a very long day has asked if I can find someone who can help. Any suggestions on where to start?




  1. Why don't you try placing your nephew into a sheltered work shop for individuals for your nephew. If I were you I would contact social service for help with this matter. Try to find an autistic group that may assist your nephew. He could make friends and a way to earn money while he is a sheltered work shop.

  2. It really depends on where you live. Most states have an official department of mental health/retardation. Although he may not be mentally retarded, this is the agency that could help you find local day programs, support groups, and activities for adults with Autism. Your local Vocational Rehab office could help as well.

    Also, Easter Seals has great services like employment training and placement, social groups, day programs, etc. for Autistic adults:

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