
Where can I go to get money for recycled plastics and paper? I live in Richmond, VA.?

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I live in Richmond, VA but can not find anywhere that pays for the recycled plastics and paper. I find this ridiculous when the ozone is hanging on by a thread. I want to recycle but I also want to get a little extra cash. I am willing to travel to D.C., Maryland, or NC, if there are no such places in VA. I have looked and can't find any! Thank you, in advance.




  1. So K.C. It sounds like you're concerned about the environment and global warming, but you would be willing to burn up gallons of gas if someone somewhere is willing to pay you a few dollars for your household plastics and paper? This seems a little illogical to me. A.S.

  2. I'm sure that there are material recyclers in your area, but I'm not sure you realize how low the prices are for recovered paper and plastic.  

    Depending on how well-sorted your paper / plastics are, you can expect to get anywhere from $25 to $100 per ton.   Highest paper prices are paid for clean, white paper with no staples, windows, or colored paper.    Plastics need to be sorted by type and color - so colored detergent bottles need to be separated from clear milk jugs, for example.  Then you would look at selling each of these things per ton.

    The primary reason that come cities recycle these things is because they need to dispose of them somehow - and it can be costly to put trash into a landfill.  Typicaly landfill costs are currently in the range of $25 to $50 per ton of trash.  So even if the cities can dispose of the plastic & paper for free, it's still better for them than paying to dispose of it.  

    If you do have tons of material to recycle, I would begin by calling local metal recyclers.  They will be aware of other material recyclers in the area, and can probably find someone who will accept your waste.

    Good luck.

  3. I think the only people making money are garbage men who pick it up.

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