
Where can I go to see a ghost?

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I'm always reading about people seeing ghosts, yet I havn't and feel I'm missing out




  1. I know what you mean. There are people who "see" ghosts everywhere they look -- under chairs, in the corner, walking up the stairs, eating cereal in the breakfast nook, etc. I'd settle for seeing just one. Despite all the reports of hauntings and all the reputed haunted locations visited regularly by ghost hunters, there isn't a single place where an objective investigator can go where it's guaranteed to see a ghost. Or even likely to see a ghost.

    I've come to conclude that in order to "see" a ghost, you already have to believe in them. It's a faith thing, like religion.

  2. be happy - its like seeing your granny naked  - once you have you wish you hadn't

  3. Watch s****. Doo.  They're all over the place.  (But turn it off before the end.)

  4. If you believe in ghosts don't listen to people saying they are not real, try doing a wee gee board load's people have seen them doing that but don't do it in your house because they will come when you don't want them to,, also can't help you about how to do a wee gee board however i think you right letters n have a glass and the ghost will move it or something

  5. heaven seems a good place to start i hear its full of them lol

  6. Uranus.

  7. If you want to see a ghost my suggestion for you is that you do a search for paranormal activity  in your area or near by where you are. Considering I do not know the city or state that you are in, I can't tell you exactly where to go. Don't feel that you are missing out, seeing an actual ghost only happens once in a blue moon.

    Don't listen to the people who say there is no such thing, because some of us can prove differently!

  8. mirror

  9. You can only see one if they want you to.

  10. In singapore there are alot of ghosts, if u go to, you tube you can preveiw videos of these just type in jinn or pochong. its up to u if u want to believe it!

  11. you can't just go somewhere to see a ghost, it's like going to a church and trying to see all the religeous people.

    nothing has been proven and there is no concrete evidence, so they don't exist

  12. to the pub,drink 10 pints and then walk home

  13. get up in middle of a full moon night

    walk barefoot

    to ur dressing room

    put some hair dye on your face

    walk back  to the mirror in remote feeble light









    watch the mirror

  14. Well, and you have to know what you're looking for; many times you can see them in photos and videos...and from my view to "see" ghosts I sometimes see a flicker of light...or a visual 'disturbance' -- like a blurr...that is quite common on video if you can slow it down.

    Theres some pics on my 360; send me an email and I can send you a link to more pics.

  15. How're you missing out? they're watching you!.

  16. i heard old abandoned mental asylums

  17. look it up on google and if you have a car you can go ghost hunting at hot spots,llok up ghosts at hamton court on google and you will find a ghost that looks like the grim reaper

  18. People who say they've seen a ghost are delusional.  If you feel left out because you are not imagining crazy things, that is because you are hanging around with the wrong crowd.

    There are no ghosts.

  19. To sleep.

    You can see all sorts of non-existent c**p when you dream.

  20. there is purpose why they let themselves visible in the eyes of other people.

  21. It is very simple. If we take into account that ghost are creations of our image nation you can see them wherever you want. Serious talking, you have to visit a place that is known that there are ghosts in and you have to let yourself believe that there are ghosts in it. Just chose to go there there when the conditions will be helpful (night, mist probably) and before you go there, read some staff about the place and talk to some people who believe that is haunted. I you have someone who believes in ghosts with company, it will be more helpful. Your emotions will do the rest.

  22. Go to Savannah Georgia...It's the most haunted place in the USA...Especially go to the Keyhoe house...the familly that used to live there haunt it...We went last month, and saw it with our own eyes...I recommend it to anyone who is not a believer...cause this place will definately change your mind!!

  23. Pennsylvania or Pittsburgh - its know for paranormal sightings

  24. You could research places where ghosts are known to be. In Britain there are many hotels/pubs with spirits.

  25. You should go to a place known to be haunted. Then you wait. You might or you might not. If not try and try again. Good Luck.

  26. Go to Disneyland or Disneyworld and visit the Haunted Mansion (E Ticket!).  You'll see plenty of ghosts there.  But Beware!  They may try to follow you home. ;-)

    (And don't miss the Pirates of the Caribbean and Space Mountain while your there either.)

  27. See a ghost movie.Here's a secret.People who see ghosts.They're making it up.Shhhh,don't tell anyone it was me who told you.

  28. It might be the cool thing to see ghosts now, but its just a fad. The thing is to figure out what you can do different from your friends, and get them all wishing they could do that.

    Maybe you should jump on the skeptical bandwagon, and make all those people prove to you that they have seen ghosts, otherwise you dont believe they exist. Then you can be the new cool.

  29. hey man are u in a joke mood n e ways there is nothing as such called ghost if u really wanna see ghosts then go to a beauty parlour u can see girls  with their face packs really !!!!!!!!

  30. i was quite convincted of that ghost train at brighten check it out

  31. You might try reading the book "Reunions" by Raymond Moody, M.D. He created an experiment to study that part of near death experience where people see deceased relatives. Many people believed the experience was actual spiritual contact. Others including Moody's original position believed it was induced hallucination. However, the work has tremendous implications in the world of bereavement (grief) therapy.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

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