
Where can I keep my belongings and car keys when i'm surfing?

by  |  earlier

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I go surfing in cornwall and now that I own a car I can drive there.

But if i'm in the water where do I put my car keys, someone could steal them!

I have seen on the internet combination locks that open so you can put the keys inside and attach the lock to your car.

But if someone sees me doing this then all they have to do is open a simple lock.

I dont trust shop owners enough to leave my stuff with them either, call me paranoid.

Does anyone know of any products or devices better than a lock or have any other ideas?





    check out the car key drybag on this page. you can get them almost anywhere. check out surf and kayak sites. you can just clip it to your leash

  2. use small dry bag and keep it in ur suit....if ur car key doesnt have features (alarm, panic button) i would just tie the key to my shorts string and wear the wet suit.....i canoe and kayak and sometimes i fall in and i just keep my key in a sandwich bag

  3. we take a single key and hide it around the car....under a tire rim, etc....different everytime.

    then lock cell phones etc. in trunk or glovebox.

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