
Where can I learn about knots.?

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I asked this girl out ( her name is Lacie ) and she told me to get knotted.....As I don't know the ropes how can I get her to string along.




  1. "get knotted" is slang for an angry way of saying "go now"

  2. try joining the boy scouts or she maybe into bondage and is asking you to learn some knots?!

    Which ever route you choose to take it could be a life changing

  3. a leash and collar is easier.

  4. Try Knotting Hill. Although I went to Lace Virginia for some old ropey advice once. Came away with nothing but tangle twine.

  5. Fire Service drill book,

    basic knots that work in many difficult circumstances,

    (if you were firefighting)

  6. Oh!. I am aware a a few knots. To answer you question if was surf ting the net and got the site giving the list of knots.  It is amazing. I did not imagine or expect so many knots are there. Please see it for yourself at the link given below. Hundreds of knots are arranged in pages alphabetically.

    Knot – a fastening or securing of linear material such as rope, by tying or interweaving

    This list of knots includes many alternate names for common knots. The overhand knot, for example, is also known as the thumb knot. The figure-of-eight knot is also known as the savoy knot or the Flemish knot.

  7. She sounds kind of Kinky to me. Maybe you should both get straitened out before you tie the knot.

  8. boy scouts

  9. Boy Scouts...

  10. Join the navy for a few years - it will toughen you up as well, you 'potential' sea dog!

  11. try a good sailing book

  12. Ask Dating questions in the Dating Folder. This folder is for Dining out at restaurants.

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