
Where can I learn what to I say if arrested in a Spanish speaking country (Mexico)?

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I am taking a trip to Mexico and speak little Spanish. I am curious what are some phrases I may have to say if I get in trouble.




  1. Here's a tip......Don't get arrested!!!

  2. money talks, they couldn't care less what comes out of your mouth as long as some cash is coming out of your wallet ;)

  3. You sound like you belong in Polls & Surveys- check it out!

  4. Ha, ha! Well, don´t get arrested.

  5. Most of the people who studied the high school can speak English, but if you have any kind of legal problems (I hope you are not planning to do something s t u p i d), it is better don't try to speak Spanish, so they have to call your Embassy or at least a translator.

  6. say.. "no sabia que no pude hacer eso" which means ' i didn't know that i can't do that".

  7. Soy Gringo! Nadie me dijo que  eso era ilegal

  8. I speak some Spanish and have traveled Mexico extensively. There are a huge population of people in Mexico that speak English too. You will probably be fine. If you really want a back up plan, Borders, Books A Million, and Walden's all sell little language flip guide books you can put in your back pocket for reference. If you have a few weeks before you go the Dummies book series is pretty good. Its orange and title is something like "Spanish for Dumies" or "Learn Spanish".

    Good luck and have fun on vacation.

  9. I'm sure your cell mates would having you speaking spanish in no time.  Try not to get arrested.

  10. My first response would be to learn Spanish - but I suppose that wont tell you the key phrases you need to know, even if you do speak Spanish fluently.

    I found the answer on this site:

    They have a section in the Travel Spanish part of the site, which teaches you Spanish for emergency situations.  Included is a page with phrases if you get arrested:

    and a few other ones relating to the police:

  11. Hola, dejo caer el jabón para usted.

  12. Andy's right the jails in here are not as nice as in USA...another good tip Don't drop the soap :)

  13. If you're afriad of being arrested on your trip, do not do what you seem to be planning on.

  14. Ok. I lived in Mexico in 2000-2001 as a foreign exchange student. but in all reality when in any foreign country DO NOT try and speak the native language... unless you have spoke the language for many years or something like that. In Mexico if you are arrested and speak any Spanish they will assume you speak  the language fully and will not assist you in getting a translator if need be for any court related incidences.

    The only thing I would say if I were you and got in some trouble and got arrested......  I don't speak Spanish -- No hablo Español

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