I read an article in the past week about a hopeful ingredient
from a tree in the Amazon Rain Forrests that is 10,000 times
more powerful that any commonly used cancer treatment. This
ingredient apparently is not promoted as an anticancer drug
because it is naturally occurring and can not be pantented by
pharmaceutical companieswho have kept it's efficacy andit's
availability from physicians and the public because there are
no great amounts of momey to be made from it, I dont recall
the name but it sounds similar to GEVALIA which I am told by
my wife could be the name of a highly promoted coffee bean
which is sold on the internet with a coffee grinder and a kind
of special cofee pot for brewing and serving.
Now, I know I may not have the exact name and spelling of this
wholistic "cancer treatment" but I know I just read about itin the past week on the internet but dismissed it as not very useful
in cancer treatment until my wife was told she needed Cytoxin
and Herceptin