
Where can I look for a Guaranteed Timeshare Sale?

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I bought a timeshare years ago that I honestly can't see myself ever using! My week is coming up next month and I can't take off work. I would rather sell this thing at a major loss on my part and stop thinking about how much money I wasted.

Where can I get a few thousand for my timeshare? It's the Palm Beach Shores Resort in South Florida. I have it listed with Vacation Register who guaranteed a sale in 6 months...that was 2 years ago.

I purchased the timeshare while vacationing from Texas in South Florida. In September 2006, I realized I wasn't ever going to be able to use it. For one, I was living in Miami! Now I live in the panhandle of FL...

Please help me find a company that will help me sell my timeshare by next month UNLIKE VACATION REGISTER that has taken my money and I've seen no results.





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