
Where can I move if I hate America?

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I'm sick of the presidents and how McCain or Obama will be the next one...Hilary would have changed this country

And all the war and violence America's caused...dont tell me that **** for peace

and all guys 18+ have to sign a draft card

What country is best to immigrate to?

I'm serious so thank you




  1. The Peoples Republic of China, or North Korea, or Iran. I'm sure they will let you say and do whatever you want. lol

  2. YAY UR LEAVING!!! try new zealand, theres more sheep than people. and i know how people like u live in a fantasy land so ull probly like it there. and ur willing to move because u dont like a couple presidential candidates? this country has done alot for u and u wont have the same job opportunities anywhere else in the world so good luck with hippy land

  3. You said don't hate on me. Ok, I don't hate anyone. My world is not consumed by hate, but I do not have any love, either, for ignorant people. You happen to fall in that category. Hey, I don't like McCain or Obama, either. But, you know what, neither does a lot of America, yet they don't turn their backs on their country. I served in the military. I fought and killed for this country and for, yes, even people like yourself, so you can enjoy some simple freedoms. So if you think I will stand by and answer your question, you're darn right I will. Go to Iraq, see how much you're missing here. You must be very young to spout out something that ignorant. It's irritating to read comments from people who think that they have it bad. Go to a third world country and then get back to me. I'm sorry, but as you said, if you don't like it here, go somewhere else. Where? Don't really care, at this point, just leave. If you have no patriotism, then you don't belong in the land of the free, home of the brave. I bet if the draft came back, you would dodge it. Like you said to Dave C., go to Canada. They seldom fight for a cause. You belong there.

  4. I hear Iran is lovely this time of year.

  5. You're a brave soul for posting this question. Just go anywhere else, like England or Australia. Good luck in your adventures.

  6. Texas

  7. Japan

    There like 3 or 5 years ahead of us in technollogy!!

    & they have high speed internet all over japan!

    No slow computers or viruses!

    I would go there For sure!

  8. Personally, I don't care where you go, but I will be glad to see you leave.  In the USA you have rights and freedoms other people will never understand.  Do you realize that in most countries you wouldn't even be able to post a question such as yours on-line?  It could be seen as an act of sedition and treated as an act of treason. Not here though, In the U.S.A. you have the right to speak out against the government and the people that comprise the government.

      I am curious about something, do you actually bother to try to understand political structuring and operations?

    Go to Patagonia.  It is deep in the heart of South America.  Look it up, buy a one-way ticket and leave.

  9. You'd blend in very well in either Iran or North Korea.

    I agree that Hil the Shrill would have changed America, but for the worse. You can wait for "nObama" to make this a socialist dictatorship; then you might like the US a little more. You might even enlist....

  10. Why the h**l would you post a question like this in the military section. Us veterans love our country and people like you should get the h**l out. Go to Switzerland, oh wait I think they have mandatory service like most other western nations. Try moving to Antarctica, it's totally neutral. The US is one of a few nations that has a all volunteer military. Why not go to Mexico the only war they're fighting is a drug war. You could go to Burma, the only thing their military does is law enforcement.

    You could go to Canada, but they are fighting and dieing in Afghanistan along side our other NATO allies.

  11. Antarctica...

  12. Canada, England, France, Italy, Greece, Buenos Aires...somewhere with similar lifestyles.

    I understand your frustration, but we can't turn tail and run. Things will get better.

    I'm not too thrilled about our choices, but I'm a soldier and vowed to defend THIS country and it's constitution.  HOORAH!!

    Good luck.

  13. You should try Somalia I hear their government is top notch you would love it there. Lots of Beach's.

  14. why would you post this in the military section??

    I will hate on you, because I am bored and have nothing else to do

    war and violence will be found in any country you live in, europe has been technically waging war alot longer than america

    would you rather be drafted or forced to do mandatory military time like all those other countries

    go to Iran

    I am serious too

  15. Well first how old are you are you early to mid twenties looking to party I would say Korea I had a blast learned to speak really bad hongul and and got a leather coat made.  Germany is also a blast.  Italy is beautiful, Japan is fun but I was sick for most of that trip so.....If I were you I would go to the Caribean Trinidad, Jamaica, Barbados all great good luck.

    I may not agree with what you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.

  16. Who cares,just go if you don't like America.  There are far worse places to live.

  17. I will hate on you because I VOLUNTEERED to serve this country and protect your right to spew garbage and filth.  And oh yes, I AM serious!

    Hey, I think most of the people and Veterans in this section would be more than happy to take up a collection for you to get the H E L L out of this country.  I'm certain you have never had to stand up and fight or even prepare to fight for the rights you have to live in this country.  I love how people like you will sit there and complain and complain about this war and that politician all the while other men and women are dying to protect your right to do so.  You filthy ingrate...get out, you WON'T be missed.  Yeah, Hillary would have probably changed this country but I doubt like h**l it would be for the better.  She is  a lunatic, a murderer, and a traitor to this great nation.  Perhaps Somalia, Uganda, North Korea, or even Iraq would be happy to take you.  Hopefully Canada would have the sense to disallow you to go there and pollute them.

    You turn my stomach.

  18. I would help send you to Iran, Syria, Somali, But just remember YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED and you will not be allowed back in the US we will make sure of that by having you placed on the watch list.

    Veteran - USAF, My Father, Uncles, Great-Great Grand Fathers all Former Military. We served so YOU WOULD not have to and paid for your Freedom and guess what even though you are an ungrateful piece of cow dung YOU and others like you are welcome to that freedom.

  19. sorry, have you lost all faith in your country?

    You are treating this like it's the end of the world, and the  election isn't even over. Of course there is not the perfect candidate.  This country has gone through rough times. Every country has it's ups and downs. I don't know why you are thinking so black and white.   Why turn your back on your country? This country has done a lot for you, and you don't even realize it.  


    Even if you like the country you move to,...

    Are you going to leave the next country if you don't like the candidate?

  20. Try Canada or New Zealand... probably New Zealand if it isn't too expensive for you, never have to worry about a war if you live there...

    Probably don't want to move to Europe, instead of draft cards they have mandatory service.

    I will say one thing, if you stick by it and leave, I will respect that you left the country and didn't just stay and whine.

    True that you did make a mistake posting this in the military section, you shouldn't be surprised that you are getting hate.

  21. Just review Lady Leatherneck's wording and sign my name to it.

    Charlie C. U.S. Air Force...six years Vietnam Vet.Firefighter/Paramedic for over 25 years....Uaa Rah.....

  22. Well Russia has a lot of land needing developing or you might try

    the people Republic of China.  Both countries have long histories of wanting only the best for their citizens.  If you don't believe this than go and see if their re-education centers can't show you the way.

  23. canada, unlike th us army we dont go places and blow **** up for no reason,actually were there to clean up the us' ****  

  24. That is what is great about this country,  you have the right to choose.

    There are many countries out there with ex-patriot populations. I would suggest to check the immigration laws of the country that you desire to immigrate to. Insure you do it legally, learn the language if it is different, learn the customs and practices of the nation that you choose to immigrate to.

    Good luck, me i will stay and voice my opinion, and rock the vote!!!

    There are always options in the good ole' USA.

  25. Well just about the entire world hates us now so take your pick...

  26. Try moving to Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, China, and other war-state country in Africa and see if your freedom of speech really matter there.  

  27. Not  simple question..... Are you retired?.... Do you have a profession or job skill?..... What is your cash flow situation or do you expect to work in this new home?

    The list of pertinent questions is very long......but I doubt you would be happy anywhere..... there are not many countries that can compare with the American lifestyle even with it's problems.

    I live in the beautiful is paradise......but every morning I sit and listen to a lot of foreigners do nothing but complain.....The traffic is terrible......The air is polluted..... Paid a million pesos for my home and there is a pig sty across the street..... I can not get  good steak anywhere.....

    I finally told them if they do not like it here .....take your complaining butt and go home..... try focusing your attention on the GOOD,.... not the bad.....  

    There is no draft and not likely to ever be one......I know Hillary..... trust me you did NOT want her in the White House......the only person worse than her is Obama.... I know John McCain also..... not my favorite person either....... got a bad temper....but he is a h**l of a lot better than the others

    pssssssst There is violance and war EVERYWHERE in the world..... 6 business men were killed in my town the last three months...... 9 journalists were killed..... vigilanty justice is routinely practiced.....

    Anywhere you go in the can find negative stuff to complain about...... "happiness" is not out there somewhere..... it is inside your own head.....adjust your thinking

  28. you won't be going anywhere.

    You're in the best country right now.

    McCain can't change that.

    If there's something you don't like, fight to make it better...don't run away.

  29. You can move to any country you want.  Just get the h**l out of the US.  I'm sure you'll find that your stay in the US wasn't so bad after all once you realize how good you had it.  But hey, do what you wish...

    In fact, give me you address and I'll personally see to it that you get a one way ticket out of here to South Africa.

  30. I would advise terrorist Iran or communist China.

    Hope they would treat you kindly there ^.^

    To Dave C: No S**t! Canada has an Army? Never heard of them, though they weren't even a real country.

    Oh wait I remember, those sissy who took the easy beach in Normany. Nice green camou btw, they can easily blend in with the middle eastern desert.

  31. australia, then. relatively small population, relatively quiet in terms of wars overseas, etc.

    still, if hilary won, what would have been different? america would still have caused all that war and violence. Our military would still need more people and the draft cards might not have gone away.

    whatev, if u want to leave b/c your favorite nominee didn't make it,( a S****y excuse btw ) instead of trying to fix a broken system, you're welcome to it. This country's better off without idiots like you.

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