
Where can I open up a Free ADULT website?

by Guest63568  |  earlier

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I want to start selling adult items, where can I open a site to do this? Many free sites shut down Adult sites




  1. you typically can't have any e-commerce site on a free website, especially if  if you want to be taken seriously, plus you would have to be able to find a credit card processing company that will work with an adult site - not all will and you're talking about $80-100/mo minimum just for the priviledge of being able to accept credit cards - even if you have no sales, plus the cost of shopping cart software, etc - all that is too much for a free site - You would only have a subdomain on a freesite also (like, which makes it harder to get visitors. and if by some miracle you did get a lot of traffic - a free website would limit your traffic and make you pay for a dedicated server if it got too busy - put too much strain on their free servers

  2. Basically, you need to contact your ISP and upgrade to a fixed IP package. Then you need to install a WAMP. Then you need to buy a domain. Then you need to set up a DNS server to resolve that domain to your fixed IP. Then you can host as many p**n sites off the same machine as you want. As long as you don't want to offer downloads or streaming media, it is highly unlikely you'll get so much traffic it will eat up all the bandwidth.

    This is assuming you can work out how to set up a paypal shopping cart on a website and do a bit of HTML, CSS and simple database scripting. W3schools or have really clear tutorials.

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