
Where can I order virgin Coconut oil in the U.S.?

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Where can I order virgin Coconut oil in the U.S.?

Does anyone know where can I order decent virgin coconut oil in the U.S. that's at a reasonable price? I want cold-pressed, not filtered, or bleached, processed, etc. I brought some back from the Dominican Republic, have been using it on my wrinkles (yikes, now the entire internet knows I have wrinkles) and I swear, after just 3 days, they seem to be less noticible. I'd appreciate it if someone could help me out . Thanks in advance !!!!!




  1. I have been purchasing "virgin coconut oil"...........but, I get mine in the "health food stores".....not just your regular stores.........but, the organic stores...........I needed mine for "low thyroid"  but, I am glad you let me know about "wrinkles" we have 2 reasons..........

  2. Excellent information. Good to know especially needed after traveling to the caribbean. Here is a link to purchase on line.

    Good Luck)

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