
Where can I purchase a genealogy book?

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I've been googling all morning trying to find a BLANK, fill-in, (vintage, if possible) genealogy book. I've been to a local store that sometimes has them but have had no luck. I keep getting results for books people have wrote about genealogy, but I want a blank one so I can fill my family tree and have pictures in it.






  1. I bought one at Walmart.  Look to your local craft stores also, like Michaels or Hobby Lobby.

    One of the latest craves is to take an old book and redo it.  Look on google for the Carol Duval show. She has old episodes which show how to do this.

  2. My friends daughter made a wonderful generation photo album, thru the Wal-Mart photo website. It includes my friend, her children and grandchildren and her parents.

    She scanned the selected photos onto a CD, uploaded them to the website, added vital info by using the captions feature and chose a background color for each page.

    She ordered the leather cover, Wal-Mart took care of the binding and she had it in about 3 weeks.

    One feature allows you to add borders around photos, which gives it a  very professional look.

    My friend was so delighted with her birthday present, she requested another one, which will include the next 4 generations, dating back to the American Civil War, for this years birthday present.

  3. to know more about  Genealogy

    please feel free to visit

  4. Start with a book store or a library, I used to order the blank forms, but it has been so long i don't remember, but a good book to subscribe to is called The Genealogy Helper, it is a bit pricey but well worth the price.  It might be called The genealogical Helper, look it up on the net , and you may get some links from that. I think they publish 6 magazines a year but when it arrives you wont be able to put it down until you have finished it all.

  5. I tried googling "genealogy format"  and found forms, self-publishing.  No blank fill-in.  I'm thinking you could print out forms and complete them, then go back to the internet to turn the information into a self-published book.

    You might try used book dealers, but a vintage blank book might be difficult to find.  Or you could keep trying at your local store.



    I also have been to Wal-Mart,

    Go to a local bookstore, they all have them.

    The better ones are also a guide to study.

    They are available on this website.

    you may have to go to a site where a membership is required, but they are not hard to do either.

    this site is Pretty good.

    The best One I have found so far is this, it gives you almost unlimited resources for study and print plus offers CD's

  8. Amazon or any major bookstore will carry books like this.

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