
Where can I purchase a space shuttle?

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i checked 7 11 and wallmart




  1. Have you tried Target?

  2. Sam's Club has them for the low, low price of $199,999,999.99

  3. You can't, unless you are talking about a toy replica or a model.  I'm not sure, but they may sell toy replicas at the NASA Space Center.

  4. Twentytwo-to-thirtyfive million dollars U.S., depending on the mission (paid to Space Adventures, Inc. ) will get you a ride on the most reliable human-rated spacecraft in existence, Russia's Soyuz TMA.

    It's a one-shot, not reusable like a shuttle, but only one person has ever died on a Soyuz, Vladmir Komarov, the pilot of the very FIRST one.  And it has been redesigned and upgraded several times since 1967, when he crashed.

    You shouldn't buy one of those "built by the lowest bidder" deathtrap shuttles.  Fourteen deaths that we KNOW of.

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