
Where can I purchase or get made a finial for the top of a british railways signal post UK only?

by Guest63713  |  earlier

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Where can I purchase or get made a finial for the top of a british railways signal post UK only?




  1. Just as a help for those who have never come across this rarely used word (except in railway circles and in the building industry) a FINIAL is a decorative item, usually something like a ball with a pointed stake on top of it that sits at the end of the apex of a roof or on top of a column - in this case, a signal. It is purely for decorative purposes - but anytime you're on a train look out for an old signal box, and there will be one at each end of the roof and if they're old-fashioned signals (not coloured lights!) there as well. Hope this helps. (This is NOT meant to be patronising, but as an ex-railwayman I know just how difficult it can be for a non-railway fan!) Eb#

  2. i have seen a few available at auction though they usually cost aq few quid, best suggestion would be to buy a magazine such as steam railway, these have listings of up coming auctions and auction houses.

    one i know of is

    best of luck

  3. Go to and enter British Railroad Junkyards under...Metasearch on the Web # 151 listings you should find your signal post on one of them sites if someone has one in stock if not then they can put a look out for one and maybe someone will e-mail you when they locate it. Good luck.

    Example from one site...

    Keywords: 01, british, decay, decayed, diesel, english, grunge, junkyard, loco, locomotives, old, parts, rail, railroad, railway, scottish, scrapyard.

  4. I saw this question last week.  I know that your search is particular to British rail operations, but I can try to help.

    What is a "finial" and what purpose does it serve?

    Thank you eflatsharp for the education.

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