
Where can I purchase unbleached cotton feminine products?

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I'm looking for an alternative to the synthetic and plastic, mainstream brands I currently use, looking for a more natural and healthier option. But I don't know what places sell this stuff! I know Seventh Generation makes some... but do any big, common stores sell it?




  1. go to or ebay. I used to make them, reusable washable minipads. I know other people make them.  

  2. Many health food stores should have unbleached products. As "going green" is becoming more mainstream, you may be able to find these products at bigger chain stores such as Walmart or Target. Just to throw something out there though, have you ever considered an alternative to tampons? Such as menstrual cups? Most tampons are bleached with dioxin, a chemical which may or may not be associated with cancer; studies on this subject have had conflicting results. The companies that make unbleached tampons are hoping that fear of environmental toxins will lead you to buy their product. To my knowledge, there is no scientific evidence that suggests unbleached tampons are "better" than bleached, or that organically-grown cotton is better than regular cotton or rayon. Tampons dry out your v****a and many are made with chemicals that can cause long term health effects. Menstrual cups don't dry you out and are made of medical grade silicone. Not to mention that a cup will last almost 10 years with proper care and you can go through a whole box of tampons in a month which causes a lot of environmental waste. I spent $30 for mine and I'll bet you'll spend way more than that on tampons over 10 years. Menstrual cups are just as convenient as tampons, they just take a little practice to get used to. They can be messy when you first start using them, but once you get used to insertion and removal, they're less messy than tampons. They're definitely more reliable than tampons and pads. I don't have to go running to the toilet every couple of hours to change a tampon on my heavy days. With my cup, I can go up to 6 hours without emptying it on my heavy days, with ZERO risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome. At the end of your cycle, you clean them with sterilizing solution or boil them to kill any bacteria. My cup is very comfortable. I don't even realize it's there. Most do come with a stem on the end that is a bit uncomfortable but you can cut it off (I did) and it's perfect. I don't mean to sound preachy, I just want to educate as many people as I can about healthier options for menstrual health. I could go on and on but below is a site that I visit often that has TONS and TONS of information about everything you could ever want to know about menstrual cups. I hope this helps!

  3. My guess is go to a 'health food store' such as whole foods.  They have all the kooky stuff.

  4. Some of the larger health food stores carry 7th Generation, like Wild Oats. Most smaller stores will order for you if you ask. Or you can order online. I did a search for "organic cotton feminine hygiene" and came up with several, including: and

    You go, girl. Cotton is so much healthier.

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