
Where can I read books online for free?

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I really want to find books.I have tried to find the whole book of Vampire Ville and Dance With A Vampire by:Ellen Schreiber.




  1. Last year I watched in the news that a group from google company (or amazon I dont remember very well) are scanning all books in Newyork library, so I guess you can find them on their website if they already released it online.

    Good luck


    All the books are completely free on this website , NO registration, NO bullshit .


  3. Reading Books online is illegal, I suggest you go to your local library.

  4. Dunno where to find those books...I've found the Harry Potter books before. XD

    If you want the HP books they are on:

  5. I dont know about reading online except project gutenburg but I know lots of sites that got great ebooks to download from countless authors.(dan brown, james patterson, sydney sheldon) If u interested, email me.

  6. There are some books that you can read on BUT... there a pages missing to control what is read. Most companies do not allow an online copy of the book to be posted online for free. Your best bet is to go to your local library (free library card) or the good will.  

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