
Where can I recycle my old elliptical machine and stair clibmer?

by  |  earlier

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I have an old elliptical machine that I bought from Sears like 7 years ago as well as a stair climber that I inherited from my landlord. I don't use either and I can't seem to get rid of them on craigs list. I looked online for a recycling center that would take them but none of the centers look like they fit the bill.

Does anyone have any ideas on where I can go to have someone either take it for scrap without costing me financially or perhaps even take it and offer me a price for the metal because the equipment is nothing but metal with a few plastic pieces.

Thanks :)




  1. The county dump

  2. Hi there, I have been looking for an eliptical that I can pick up fairly reasonably for a friend.   First, do you still have it? Where are you located and is the machine fully workable? And how much would you take for it?

    Thanks alot!


  3. I would offer them on yourt local FreeCycle group....I got rid of the heaviest treadmill not too long ago!!  Make sure the equipment works, if it doesn't, describe exactly what is wrong with it....A picture will help as well :-)

    Good Luck!!!!

  4. I could really use them if they work... I am receovering from Mono illness where I have little to no energy and am trying to rebuild my strength though exercise.

  5. Go to and find the group that is closest to where you live and post it. Make sure to describe anything that is wrong with the items, if there is anything wrong.

  6. under Yahoo there is a groups and I would go to your local FREECYCLE  Join  or actually use this link and it should get you to freecycle  then from there you should be able to find one close to you.  They are fantastic groups and you can also find things on there you might need

  7. Hi, I could help you with that!

    I work at a recycling center, and if you would like we could come and pick them up from you!

    Let me know if I could help... My name is angela and my business email is


  8. Post them on I am sure someone will want them.

  9. Does the elliptical work?  If so I would love to take it off your hands.  I'm in Winter Park.  Let me know!

  10. Slightly confused - do the machines work?

    If so, and if there is a university in your area, you could contact the dorms (most have pretty desperate excercise rooms) and offer the equipment. They will most likely pick it up, too.

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